Monday, April 2, 2012


Today I am writing to you on behalf of my community here in Uganda.  We are currently dealing with food security in our village, there is not always enough food to go around. This problem is due to the rising cost of food in Uganda, as well as a drop in monetary funding from various supporters. Although this may seem to be sad news, these circumstances are pushing us to look into alternative solutions that empower the community in a sustainable way. I believe in a “hand-up” not a “hand-out”.
“Well let’s just plant a garden then!”  It’s not quite that simple….the seasons here are getting worse; extreme droughts followed by too much water when the rains come. These factors make farming very difficult and crop production unreliable.  Therefore we are turning to a widely used, age-old strategy used in countries around the world, such as Kuwait, Israel, and Philippines: greenhouse technology.
Balton Greenhouses is a local company whose goal is “improving food security and livelihoods for small scale farmers in Uganda”. The effects of constructing a greenhouse on our property would enhance numerous aspects of the welfare of our village and the surrounding community.
We will be able to grow continually throughout the year, making the crop yield up to 10-12 times larger (depending on the crop). We will be able to incorporate farming education into our schools curriculum, providing knowledge not only to our community but to the surrounding communities via the students that attend our school from outside. The most important benefit is the food security that it will provide. We will be able to sell off the excess vegetables and fruits to provide income for the staple foods, rice, posho and beans.
The total cost for this project is $3,710.42 USD. This includes EVERYTHING; Construction materials, seeds, irrigation tanks and drip lines, gardening tools and four people to be trained properly in this gardening technique. If you ask me, that’s a bargain for not only what we will be getting, but for what we will be able to give this vulnerable community.
I ask you to consider donating to this project today. Donating is easy, you can send a check to my parents at 1738 Sims Place Lakeland, Florida 33803 or cash or you can drop it off with them. And they will make sure I get it. If you would like an alternative method to give, please contact me. The greenhouse can be constructed as soon as we can pay the company, hopefully before I leave in May.  
I have more information about this greenhouse than you want to read about on here, including a PowerPoint and project proposal.  If you would like any more explanation about any aspect of this project please ask! Either via comment on this blog or email:

We really are making a big push for this because we would like to have the money raised before we leave so we can see the progress on the green house or the final product so please keep that in mind.

Thank you all so much for being a part of my amazing adventure in Africa!


Caylyn Brooke

“Now these three remain faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is LOVE.” -1 Corinthians 13:13

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you…. write them on the tablet of your heart.” –Proverbs 3:3


  1. Caylyn, this rocks. Also check out as a tool.

  2. caylyn how are u. am a ugandan who has just seen this article today december 2012. i guess u have already left the country. my interest is in finding out more details about the green house. did u manage to set it up? is it functional ie does it yield like expected? how does it work? i wld be greatiful if i got more information about your project. i intend to help out a community in a resaerch project in mityana about a griculture and thout this wld be a great idea. if u can please get back to me on
